5th EDITION 23-26.09.2021
A BFFF Podcast
Available on all podcast platforms and here starting November 6th
In this pilot episode you will be listening to an interview with social anthropologist Magda Craciun touching on the symbolic weight of clothing from a socio-cultural point of view. In the second part, hang on to Ilinca Hărnuț’ words, as she is interpreting fragments from designer’s Ana Alexe atelier journal, with a soundscape by Diana Miron. Don’t be afraid to listen with your eyes closed. Magda Crăciun is a social anthropologist specialising in material culture. She has previously explored Islamic fashion in Turkey and issues of authenticity and inauthenticity in relation to mundane engagements with fake brands in Romania and Turkey. She holds a PhD in Anthropology from University College London and is currently working on the articulations of aesthetics, ethics and politics pertinent to middle-class formation in Romania.